How does America's Oldest Brewery stand apart from a crowded marketplace with newer, more popular options?
By evolving the brand to reach the next generation drinker while preserving the legacy of the nearly 200-year-old brand its loyal customers know and love.
D.G. Yuengling & Son

Launching a brand-new beer for everyone to enjoy.
By launching FLIGHT by Yuengling, the family-owned brewery’s newest upscale light beer was designed to elevate the drinking experience for consumers who want more from their beer. Born from six generations of brewing expertise, FLIGHT by Yuengling is the “Next Generation of Light Beer” that brings even better taste, with low carbs and calories, to the refreshment category.

FLIGHT was supported by a fully integrated “Raise the Bar” marketing campaign which was built off the brewery’s foundation of hard work, passion and pride. The campaign encouraged consumers to strive to be the best versions of themselves and continue to push themselves in their lives. These qualities were exemplified by Yuengling’s newest brand ambassadors Rose Lavelle, American professional soccer star, and Lauren Alaina, award-winning country singer, songwriter and actress.
In the launch efforts alone, our work led to 430+ earned media placements, 765M+ earned media impressions, all while Yuengling received a 25% market share increase.